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Presentation Pointer

Revision History

Presentation Pointer V1.6.0 (February 19, 2016)

  • Improved the Mouse Click effect.
  • Improved the Keystrokes Displaying.
  • Improved the Live Drawing, allows to click through you draw on.
  • Added new feature, allows to draw shapes (Free, Line, Rectangle, Ellipse) on screen, allows to change color with hotkey.
  • Improves the use experience of the user.
  • Fixed some bugs.

Presentation Pointer V1.5.2 (August 2, 2015)

  • Fixed some bugs.

Presentation Pointer V1.5.1 (November 20, 2014)

  • Added compatible with web conferencing, online meeting, video conferencing and webinar applications.

Presentation Pointer V1.5.0 (October 10, 2014)

  • Added a new cross hair option in the pointer.
  • Fixed some bugs.

Presentation Pointer V1.4.5 (June 18, 2014)

  • Added a new Mouse Trail option.

Presentation Pointer V1.4.4 (May 23, 2014)

  • The control bar will not appeare in the next time if you close it in the last time.

Presentation Pointer V1.4.3 (May 12, 2014)

  • Improved the magnifier feature.
  • Prevent the MS pointer super-imposed on the PA pointer when the pointer is selected.

Presentation Pointer V1.4.2 (March 18, 2014)

  • Fixed some bugs.
  • Improved the live screen draw feature by add eraser

Presentation Pointer V1.4.0 (October 14, 2013)

  • Fixed some bugs.
  • An administrator is not needed to install.

Presentation Pointer V1.3.8 (August 16, 2013)

  • Improved the keystrokes display feature.

Presentation Pointer V1.3.7 (August 05, 2013)

  • Improved the keystrokes display feature.

Presentation Pointer V1.3.6 (July 23, 2013)

  • Fixed some bugs.

Presentation Pointer V1.3.5 (April 19, 2013)

  • Added French translation.

Presentation Pointer V1.3.4 (April 2, 2013)

  • Improved the shortcuts, it's more user-friendly.

Presentation Pointer V1.3.3 (January 11, 2013)

  • Added support for multiple screens.

Presentation Pointer V1.3.1 (October 12, 2012)

  • Added a option allowing user to adjust the point size..

Presentation Pointer V1.3.0 (July 10, 2012)

  • Add a float control bar.

Presentation Pointer V1.2.5 (March 15, 2012)

  • Fix bug of the click higlight is too slow both to appear and deseapear.
  • Fix bug of spotlight doesn\'t move smoothly.
  • Fix bug of loosing configs after restart.

Presentation Pointer V1.2.4 (February 23, 2012)

  • Fixed some bugs.

Presentation Pointer V1.2 (November 20, 2011)

This is a major update. It add a new feature called Live Zoom for Windows Vista and higher. This is different to regular zooming, which is a static image of whatever was present on the desktop, as it allows you zoom in and zoom out the windows but full control of Windows and any applications or web-pages that are running.

Also the Live Zoom support the Live Drawing. You can draw freely on the magnified screen.

Presentation Pointer V1.1.3 (October 24, 2011)

The new version adds a new small float control panel which appears by default on the right edge of the screen. You can click it to quickly activate or deactivate any pointer effects.

Presentation Pointer V1.1 (July 11, 2011)

  • Add a highlight mouse movement option; the highlight shape is configurable (Circle, Ellipse, Rectangle or Round Rectangle).
  • Offers a series of high visibility pointer and allow using your own pointer picture.
  • Show a notification when you toggle on or off one of the tools.
  • Make the spotlight shape configurable (Circle, Ellipse, Rectangle or Round Rectangle)
  • Some Bugs fixed:
    Now the setting window no longer appeared on screen when enabling. It will minimize to the taskbar.
    Make the default spotlight radius is bigger. Make the default opacity more transparent.
Free Download Presentation Pointer
 Version: V1.6.2
Last Updated: May 22, 2018
Windows All

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Unlike Microsoft Sysinternals ZoomIt, it can draw on a “live” screen. It has many features and options. ...

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